Carlos Aguni

Highly motivated self-taught IT analyst. Always learning and ready to explore new skills. An eternal apprentice.

ZFS Cheat Sheet

25 May 2021 »


zfs get all <poolname>
NAME    PROPERTY                VALUE                   SOURCE
oricoB  type                    filesystem              -
oricoB  creation                Wed Oct 13 18:23 2021   -
oricoB  used                    1.06M                   -
oricoB  available               10.4T                   -
oricoB  referenced              170K                    -
oricoB  compressratio           1.00x                   -
oricoB  mounted                 yes                     -
oricoB  quota                   none                    default
oricoB  reservation             none                    default
oricoB  recordsize              128K                    default
oricoB  mountpoint              /mnt/oricoB             default
oricoB  sharenfs                off                     default
oricoB  checksum                on                      default
oricoB  compression             lz4                     local
oricoB  atime                   on                      default
zfs set compression=lz4 <poolname>

Many disk setup

for dev in da2 da3 da4 da5 da6;
suffix=$(smartctl -i /dev/$dev | grep "Serial Number" | tail -c 5)
echo "$dev $suffix"
gpart destroy -F $dev
gpart create -s gpt $dev
gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -l "oricoC3-$suffix" $dev


geom disk list
camcontrol devlist
camcontrol identify da0
glabel list
zpool get all <poolname>

Wipe drives

sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0x10

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ada2 bs=1m count=1

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ada2 bs=1m oseek=`diskinfo ada2 | awk '{print int($3 / (1024*1024)) - 4;}'`


gpart destroy -F da6
gpart create -s gpt da6
gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -l oricoA-labelX da6
# or
gpart create -s gpt da7
gpart add -t freebsd-zfs da7
gpart modify -i1 -l oricoA-labelY da7

zpool create -f <poolname> raidz1 /dev/gpt/oricoA-*
zfs set compression=lz4 <poolname>


zpool create -f data6 raidz2 sda sdb sdc sdd
zpool create -f data10 mirror sda sdb mirror sdc sdd


zpool offline <pool> sdl
zpool replace <pool> sdl sdm


zpool export data10
zpool import
zpool import <pool-name/pool-id>

# import a destroyed pool
zpool destroy data6
zpool import -D data6

Add spare

zpool add (pool) spare (disk)

Snapshot & Clone

zfs snapshot <pool>/<fs>@snap1
zfs clone <pool>/<fs>@snap1 <pool>/<fs2>


zfs send pool/fs@snap | gzip > backupfile.gz


zfs send -i tank/dana@snap1 tank/dana@snap2 | ssh host2 zfs recv newtank/dana

between hosts

zfs send -c snapshot |ssh -x user@remotehost "cat > snapshot.zfs"
zfs send filesystem@snapshot | gzip -cf | ssh host 'gunzip | zfs recv ...'

Send & Recv

zfs send <pool>/<fs>@<snap> | zfs recv <pool2>/<fs> zfs recv not to throw away data in case of an interruption -s flag.

# sender end
zfs get -H -o value receive_resume_token <pool>/<vol>
zfs send -t <token>

# receiver end
zfs recv -s <pool>/<fs>


# zfs send tank/data@snap1 | zfs recv spool/ds01
host1# zfs send tank/dana@snap1 | ssh host2 zfs recv newtank/dana
host1# zfs send -i tank/dana@snap1 tank/dana@snap2 | ssh host2 zfs recv newtank/dana
host1# zfs send -i snap1 tank/dana@snap2 > ssh host2 zfs recv newtank/dana
# zfs send pool/fs@snap | gzip > backupfile.gz


# zfs send tank/gozer@0830 > /bkups/gozer.083006
# zfs receive tank/gozer2@today < /bkups/gozer.083006
# zfs rename tank/gozer tank/gozer.old
# zfs rename tank/gozer2 tank/gozer

replace tank

zpool status zpool offline tank gpt/5TB-N5W1 zpool offline

zpool status zpool status

zpool replace tank gpt/5TB-N5W1 gpt/5TB-0VZJ

possible to split stream created by “zfs send”

zfs send <...> | mbuffer -A "echo Next Drive; read a < /dev/tty;" -D 2000G -o /dev/sdx
zfs send pool/dataset@snapshot | tail -c +0 | head --bytes 1000000000 > /disk1/chunk.1
zfs send pool/dataset@snapshot | tail -c +1000000000 | head --bytes 1000000000 > /disk2/chunk.2
zfs send pool/dataset@snapshot | tail -c +2000000000 | head --bytes 1000000000 > /disk3/chunk.3
zfs send pool/dataset@snapshot | tail -c +3000000000 | head --bytes 1000000000 > /disk4/chunk.4

If you can’t connect all the disks simultaneously at the receiving end either, you can reassemble the chunks using named pipes.

Create a fifo for each chunk:

mkfifo pipe{1,2,3}

Start receiving those chunks with ZFS. This’ll hang waiting for data to start arriving:

cat pipe1 pipe2 pipe3 | zfs recv destpool/dest

Then, in a second shell, you can attach each disk in sequence and cat their chunk into their corresponding pipe:

cat /disk1/chunk.1 > pipe1
cat /disk2/chunk.2 > pipe2
cat /disk3/chunk.3 > pipe3

ZFS will start processing data as soon as you start filling the first pipe, and the operation completes once the last pipe is read.