Carlos Aguni

Highly motivated self-taught IT analyst. Always learning and ready to explore new skills. An eternal apprentice.

FFMPEG Cheat Sheet

30 Jun 2021 »

Convert mov to mp4

ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 -acodec mp2 my-video.mp4
ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 -acodec aac output.mp4
find . -iname "*.mov" | while read filename; do 
    filenameto=$(echo $filename | sed 's/\.wmv$/\.mp4/g')
    echo "filename: $filename"; 
    [ -f "${filename}.mp4" ] && continue
    docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v "`pwd`:/local" linuxserver/ffmpeg -c "
        ffmpeg -i \"/local/${filename}\" \
                -vcodec h264 \
                -acodec aac \

Convert ts to mp4



find ./completed -mmin +60 -iname "*.ts" | while read filename; do 
    filenameto=$(echo $filename | sed 's/\.wmv$/\.mp4/g')
    echo "filename: $filename"; 
    [ -f "${filename}.mp4" ] && continue
    docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v "`pwd`:/local" linuxserver/ffmpeg -c "
        ffmpeg -i \"/local/${filename}\" \
                -c:v libx264 \
                -c:a copy \

Convert avi to mp4


find ./completed -mmin +60 -iname "*.avi" | while read filename; do 
    echo "filename: $filename"; 
    [ -f "${filename}.mp4" ] && continue
    docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v "`pwd`:/local" linuxserver/ffmpeg -c "
        ffmpeg -i \"/local/${filename}\" \
                -c:a copy \

Convert mkv to mp4


find ./completed -mmin +60 -iname "*.mkv" | while read filename; do 
    filenameto=$(echo $filename | sed 's/\.mkv$/\.mp4/g')
    echo "filename: $filename"; 
    [ -f "${filename}.mp4" ] && continue
    docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v "`pwd`:/local" linuxserver/ffmpeg -c "
        ffmpeg -i \"/local/${filename}\" \
                -codec copy \

Convert wmv to mp4


find ./completed -mmin +60 -iname "*.wmv" | while read filename; do 
    filenameto=$(echo $filename | sed 's/\.wmv$/\.mp4/g')
    echo "filename: $filename"; 
    [ -f "${filename}.mp4" ] && continue
    docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v "`pwd`:/local" linuxserver/ffmpeg -c "
        ffmpeg -i \"/local/${filename}\" \
                -c:v libx264 \
                -crf 23 \
                -c:a aac \
                -q:a 100 \

ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -c:a aac -q:a 100 output.mp4

This will encode the video to H.264 video and AAC audio, using the default quality. To change the quality for the video, use a different CRF value, where lower means better, e.g. 20 or 18. For audio, 100% is the default quality. Increase the value for better quality.

For the AppleTV specifically, this is what Apple says it supports:

H.264 video up to 1080p, 30 frames per second, High or Main Profile level 4.0 or lower, Baseline profile level 3.0 or lower with AAC-LC audio up to 160 kbit/s per channel, 48 kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats

So, you could use the following command to force the 30 Hz frame rate and High profile:

ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -profile:v high -r 30 -c:a aac -q:a 100 -ar 48000 output.mp4

find . -mmin +60 -iname "*.wmv" | while read filename; do 
    filenameto=$(echo $filename | sed 's/\.wmv$/\.mp4/g')
    echo "filename: $filename"; 
    [ -f "${filename}.mp4" ] && continue
    docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v "`pwd`:/local" linuxserver/ffmpeg -c "
        ffmpeg -i \"/local/${filename}\" \
                -c:v libx264 \
                -crf 23 \
                -c:a aac \
                -q:a 100 \


import os
import datetime
import random
import toil
import json
import youtube_dl

def get_vid_duration(rootdir, vidname):
    print("gen_vid_duration", rootdir, vidname)
    #cmd = f"docker run -i --rm -v {rootdir}:/local linuxserver/ffmpeg -i /local/{vidname} -f null - | grep Duration"
    cmd = f"docker run -i --rm  -v {rootdir}:/local sjourdan/ffprobe /local/{vidname} -v quiet -show_streams -select_streams v:0 -of json"

    output = json.loads(os.popen(cmd).read().strip())

    dur = int(float(output['streams'][0]['duration']))

    return dur

    #output = output.split("Duration: ")[1].split(",")[0]
    #output = [int(float(i)) for i in output.split(":")]
    #t = datetime.timedelta(**dict(zip(["hours",  "minutes", "seconds"], output)))
    #return t.seconds

def gen_vid_thumbnail(rootdir, vidname, jpgname):

    tseconds = get_vid_duration(rootdir, vidname)

    # get random ss
    ss = random.randint(2,tseconds-1)

    cmd = f"docker run -i --rm -v {rootdir}:/local linuxserver/ffmpeg -i /local/{vidname} -vframes 1 -an -ss {ss} -vf scale='min(200\,iw)':-1 /local/{jpgname} -y"

    return os.system(cmd)

def split_vid(rootfolder, inputfile, outputfile, ss, tt):

    cmd = f"docker run -i --rm -v {rootfolder}:/local linuxserver/ffmpeg -ss {ss} -i '/local/{inputfile}' -t {tt} -async 1 -y '/local/{outputfile}'"
    return os.system(cmd)

def gen_split_chunks(rootfolder, filename):
    import math

    dur = get_vid_duration(rootfolder, filename)
    if dur < 50:

    step = 50
    iters = 10
    if dur < 500:
        iters = math.ceil(dur/50)
        step = math.ceil(dur/iters)
    ret = []
    for i in range(iters): 
        ss = i*step
        tt = step
        if ss+tt > dur:
            dur = tt-ss
        ret.append([ss, tt])
        ss += tt
    return ret

def gen_thumbs():
    vault = toil.load_json("./vault.json")

    for fileuse in vault:
        vidname = fileuse
        jpgname = ".".join(vidname.split(".")[:-1])+".jpg"
        print(vidname, jpgname)
        if os.path.exists(f"/root/insta/thumb/{jpgname}"): continue
        gen_vid_thumbnail("/root/insta/", "/files/"+vidname, "/thumb/"+jpgname)

if __name__ == '__main__':

def download_yt(link, fileto, it=0):
    mapit = [
    print(">>it", it, fileto)

    fmt = mapit[it]

    #ret = os.system(f"docker run -i --rm -v /tmp:/workdir mikenye/youtube-dl -f '{fmt}' -o {fileto} --merge-output-format mp4 {link}")
    ret = os.system(f"youtube-dl -f '{fmt}' -o /tmp/{fileto} --merge-output-format mp4 \"{link}\"")

    if ret != 0:
        return download_yt(link, fileto, it+1)
    return ret

def fetch_yt_meta(link):
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL() as ydl:
        meta = ydl.extract_info(link, download=False)

    return meta

def insta_optimize(filefrom, newfile, rootfolder):
    cmd = f"docker run --rm -v {rootfolder}:/local linuxserver/ffmpeg -i /local/{filefrom} -vf \"pad=w=max(ih*4/5\,iw):h=ih:x=(iw-ow)/2:y=(ih-oh/2):color=black,pad=w=iw:h=max(iw*9/16\,ih):x=(iw-ow)/2:y=(ih-oh/2):color=black\" /local/{newfile}"
    ret = os.system(cmd)

    return ret