Carlos Aguni

Highly motivated self-taught IT analyst. Always learning and ready to explore new skills. An eternal apprentice.

EC2 Boto3 run_instances

24 Sep 2022 »
import boto3
import time

c = boto3.client('ec2')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')

userdata = """#!/bin/bash -x
exec > /tmp/log 2>&1

yum -y install htop 


instanceName = 'test'
#instanceName = 'ftp-test'

args = {
    'ImageId': 'ami-0c02fb55956c7d316', # amazon linux 2,
    #'InstanceType': 't2.micro', # vcpu 1 mem 1
    'InstanceType': 't3.medium', # vcpu 2 mem 4
    #'InstanceType': 't3a.large', # vcpu 2 mem 8
    'BlockDeviceMappings': [
            'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda',
            'Ebs': {
                'DeleteOnTermination': True,
                'VolumeSize': 50,
                'VolumeType': 'gp2',
    'SecurityGroupIds': ['sg-0161b674be972b4e4'], # all
    'SubnetId': 'subnet-51a93b35', # sa-east-1a
    'KeyName': 'automation',
    'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior': 'stop', # stop|terminate
    'UserData': userdata,
    'MaxCount': 1,
    'MinCount': 1,
    'TagSpecifications': [
            'ResourceType': 'instance',
            'Tags': [
                {'Key': 'Name', 'Value': instanceName},

rs = c.run_instances(**args)

instanceid = rs['Instances'][0]['InstanceId']

instance = ec2.Instance(instanceid)

for i in range(10):
    instance = ec2.Instance(instanceid)
    #print(instance.state) #{'Code': 16, 'Name': 'running'} pending
    if instance.state['Name'] == 'running':

ipaddress = print(instance.public_ip_address)
