Carlos Aguni

Highly motivated self-taught IT analyst. Always learning and ready to explore new skills. An eternal apprentice.

Grafana Boomtable Usage

12 May 2020 » grafana

View 1

row = [
    {"target": f"status.Download Speed.. {dl_speed[1]}/s"                  , "datapoints": [[dl_speed[0], ds]]},
    {"target": f"status.Upload Speed.. {up_speed[1]}/s"                    , "datapoints": [[up_speed[0], ds]]},
    {"target": "status.Download._fa-arrow-down_,green_."                   , "datapoints": [[download_c, ds]]},
    {"target": "status.Seeding._fa-arrow-up_,orange_."                     , "datapoints": [[seeding_c, ds]]},
    {"target": "status.Paused._fa-thumbs-up_,gray_."                       , "datapoints": [[paused_c, ds]]},
    {"target": "status.Error._fa-times_,red_."                             , "datapoints": [[error_c, ds]]},
    {"target": f"status.Total Upload Size._fa-database_. {total_upsize[1]}", "datapoints": [[total_upsize[0], ds]    ]},
 {'target': 'status.Download Speed.. MB/s',               'datapoints': [[5.019333984375, 1589224879555.0]]},
 {'target': 'status.Upload Speed.. MB/s',                 'datapoints': [[0.9873447265625, 1589224879555.0]]},
 {'target': 'status.Download._fa-arrow-down_,green_.',    'datapoints': [[29, 1589224879555.0]]},
 {'target': 'status.Seeding._fa-arrow-up_,orange_.',      'datapoints': [[220, 1589224879555.0]]},
 {'target': 'status.Paused._fa-thumbs-up_,gray_.',        'datapoints': [[0, 1589224879555.0]]},
 {'target': 'status.Error._fa-times_,red_.',              'datapoints': [[117, 1589224879555.0]]},
 {'target': 'status.Total Upload Size._fa-database_. TB', 'datapoints': [[1.9122836012234912, 1589224879555.0]]}

Thresholds: 10000 Transform: _2_ _value_ _3_


ds = dfrom.timestamp()*1000
color = lambda x: "green_" if x < 50 else "yellow_" if x < 70 else "red_"
grow = []
colsize = 4
for i in range(30):
    for j in range(colsize):
        row = i
        col = j
        vpsname = "VPS{0:03d}".format((colsize*j)+i+1)
        cpu = random.randint(1,100)
        cpu_color = color(cpu)
        cpu_label = f"{cpu}% _fa-microchip_,{cpu_color}"
        mem = random.randint(1,100)
        mem_color = color(mem)
        mem_label = f"{mem}% _fa-battery-three-quarters_,{mem_color}"
        disk_labels = []
        for z in range(random.randint(1,4)):
            disk = random.randint(1,100)
            disk_color = color(disk)
            disk_label = f"{disk}% _fa-database_,{disk_color}"
        disk_labels = " ".join(disk_labels)

            "target": f"status{row}.{col}.{vpsname}: {cpu_label} | {mem_label} | {disk_labels}",
            "datapoints": [[0,ds]]
row  = grow

html also works

ds = dfrom.timestamp()*1000
color = lambda x: "green_" if x < 50 else "yellow_" if x < 70 else "red_"
grow = []
colsize = 8
for i in range(20):
    for j in range(colsize):
        row = i
        col = j
        vpsname = "<strong>VPS{0:03d}</strong>".format((colsize*j)+i+1)
        cpu = random.randint(1,100)
        cpu_color = color(cpu)
        cpu_label = f"{cpu}% _fa-microchip_,{cpu_color}"
        mem = random.randint(1,100)
        mem_color = color(mem)
        mem_label = f"{mem}% _fa-battery-three-quarters_,{mem_color}"
        disk_labels = []
        for z in range(random.randint(1,4)):
            disk = random.randint(1,100)
            disk_color = color(disk)
            disk_label = f"{disk}% _fa-database_,{disk_color}"
        disk_labels = " ".join(disk_labels)

            "target": f"status{row}.{col}.{vpsname}<br>{cpu_label} | {mem_label} <br> {disk_labels}",
            "datapoints": [[0,ds]]
row  = grow

View 3

icons = {
        "start": f"<img style='' src=''/>",
        "fail": f"<img style='' src=''/>",
        "meeting": f"<img style='' src=''/>",
        "coffee": f"<img style='' src=''/>",
        "done": f"<img style='width:15px;' src=''/>",
yearselect = 2020
monthselect = 5
month = calendar(yearselect, monthselect)
today = datetime.datetime(*[:3])
print("today", today)
weekname = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday ", "Sunday"]
month = [weekname, *month]
d = "|"
for rid, r in enumerate(month):
    for cid, c in enumerate(r):
        daylabel = c if c != 0 or rid == 0 else ''
        listitems = ""
        if c != 0:
            if yearselect == today.year and monthselect == today.month and c ==
                dayhtml = f"<span style='border-radius:10px;padding:3px;color:black;background-color: #69c0ff;'>{daylabel}</span>"
                dayhtml = f"<span>{daylabel}</span>"
            listitems = "\n".join([
                    f"<li>{idx+1}. {icons[job]} {job}</li>"
                    for idx,job in enumerate(random.sample(list(icons.keys()), random.randint(1,3)))
        bottomborder = ""
        if rid == len(month)-1:
            bottomborder = "border-bottom:1px solid #cecece;"
        if rid != 0:
            box = f"""
                <div style='width:140px;height:100px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;border-top:1px solid #cecece;padding-top:2px;{bottom    border}'>
                    <div style='width:100%;text-align:right;'>
                    <ul style='list-style:none;'>
            box = f"<div style='text-align:center;'>{daylabel}</div>"
            "target": f"status{rid}{d}{cid}{d}{box}",
            "datapoints": [[random.randint(0,1),ds]]

row  = grow

Gen calendar code

def calendar(yearid, monthid):
    #yearid = 2020
    #monthid = 5
    dstart = datetime.datetime(yearid,monthid,1)
    month = [[0]*7]
    weekid = 0
    while dstart.month == monthid and dstart.year == yearid:
        weekday = dstart.weekday()
        if weekday == 0 and month[weekid][-1] != 0:
            weekid += 1
        day =
        month[weekid][weekday] = day
        dstart = dstart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return month

View 4

ds = dfrom.timestamp()*1000
color = lambda x: "green_" if x < 50 else "yellow_" if x < 70 else "red_"
d = ' | '

def gencols(name, metric):
    ret = []
    t_horizon = "<img src='http://url:12000/plot.png?width=160&height=20&dfasdf={}'/>"
        "target": f"status_{name}{d}name{d}{name}",
        "datapoints": [[random.randint(0,1),ds]]
    for m in metric:
        horizon = t_horizon.format(random.randint(10,10000))
            "target": f"status_{name}{d}{m}{d}{horizon}",
            "datapoints": [[random.randint(0,1),ds]]
    return ret

    esxiimg = "<img style='margin-left:0px;margin-right:3px;height:14px;' src='http://<url>/nfsdir/vmware/node-esxi.png'/>"
    vmimg = "<img style='margin-left:8px;margin-right:3px;height:14px;' src='http://<url>/nfsdir/vmware/vm-isometric.png'/>"
    dockerimg = "<img style='margin-left:16px;margin-right:3px;height:14px;' src='http://<url>/nfsdir/vmware/docker-container.png'/>"
    grow = []
    metric = "cpu,mem,network,storage1,storage2,storage3,storage4".split(",")
    cols = ['<img src="http://url:12000/plt.png?width=200&height=30"/>']*len(metric)
    vms = [["vm{0:02d}".format(i), *cols]
                for i in range(20)]

    t_horizon = "<img src='http://url:12000/plot.png?width=160&height=20&dfasdf={}'/>"
    for m in ["name", *metric]:
            "target": f"status{d}{m}{d}{m}",
            "datapoints": [[random.randint(0,1),ds]]

    rows = []

    for esxi in range(3):
        esxiname = f"{esxiimg}ESXI{esxi}"
        grow += gencols(esxiname, metric)
        for vm in range(random.randint(1,4)):
            vmname = f"{vmimg}VM{esxi}{vm}"
            grow += gencols(vmname, metric)
            for docker in range(random.randint(0,2)):
                dockername = f"{dockerimg}Docker{esxi}{vm}{docker}"
                grow += gencols(dockername, metric)