Carlos Aguni

Highly motivated self-taught IT analyst. Always learning and ready to explore new skills. An eternal apprentice.

Hadoop AWS Study

29 Mar 2022 »

Query S3 data via Hive on local box






<description>A base for other temporary directories.</description>
















How to generate the TPC-DS benchmarking data 1 TB in AWS S3?

I did similar work several month ago, hive-testbench can be an option. Check the about how to make it happen.

You need to configure fs.defaultFS in $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml to your AWS S3 bucket, the data will be generated in AWS directly. Pass data scale parameter to ./ to generate date with different scale.

Configuring Access to S3 on CDP Private Cloud Base

To configure authentication with S3, explicitly declare the credentials in a configuration file such as core-site.xml.



Change core-site.xml

Referencing S3 data in Applications

Cloudera repo

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-manager.repo <<EOF
name = Cloudera Manager, Version 7.4.4
baseurl =
gpgcheck = 1
yum -y install openjdk8 cloudera-manager-daemons

Where is the classpath set for hadoop

# export HADOOP_HOME=${your hadoop install directory}, an example as follows:

export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop-2.10.1

export PATH=${HADOOP_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`hadoop classpath`

install hadoop hive

curl -O
tar xzvf hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz 

curl -O
tar xzvf apache-hive-3.1.2-bin.tar.gz 


export HIVE_HOME="/root/apache-hive-3.1.2-bin"
export PATH="${HIVE_HOME}/bin:$PATH"
export HADOOP_HOME="/root/hadoop-3.3.2"
export PATH="${HADOOP_HOME}/bin:$PATH"
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_232-cloudera"
export PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH"
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_CLASSPATH:/opt/cloudera/cm/common_jars/*


git clone
# yum -y install java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-devel
# cloudera openjdk8 already installed
yum -y groupinstall "Development tools"

./ changes

DIR=s3a://<bucket name>/tpcds-tests

# Do the actual data load.               
#hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${DIR}               
#hdfs dfs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null
hadoop fs -mkdir -p ${DIR}               
hadoop fs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null

#hdfs dfs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null
hadoop fs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null


dir list hdfs



dir list aws


catalog sales


HIVE="beeline -n hive -u 'jdbc:hive2://worker01:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2?' "

use tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_3;
show tables;
|        tab_name         |
| call_center             |
| catalog_page            |
| catalog_returns         |
| catalog_sales           |
| customer                |
| customer_address        |
| customer_demographics   |
| date_dim                |
| household_demographics  |
| income_band             |
| inventory               |
| item                    |
| promotion               |
| reason                  |
| ship_mode               |
| store                   |
| store_returns           |
| store_sales             |
| time_dim                |
| warehouse               |
| web_page                |
| web_returns             |
| web_sales               |
| web_site                |

show create table customer;
|                   createtab_stmt                   |
| CREATE TABLE `customer`(                           |
|   `c_customer_sk` bigint,                          |
|   `c_customer_id` char(16),                        |
|   `c_current_cdemo_sk` bigint,                     |
|   `c_current_hdemo_sk` bigint,                     |
|   `c_current_addr_sk` bigint,                      |
|   `c_first_shipto_date_sk` bigint,                 |
|   `c_first_sales_date_sk` bigint,                  |
|   `c_salutation` char(10),                         |
|   `c_first_name` char(20),                         |
|   `c_last_name` char(30),                          |
|   `c_preferred_cust_flag` char(1),                 |
|   `c_birth_day` int,                               |
|   `c_birth_month` int,                             |
|   `c_birth_year` int,                              |
|   `c_birth_country` varchar(20),                   |
|   `c_login` char(13),                              |
|   `c_email_address` char(50),                      |
|   `c_last_review_date_sk` bigint)                  |
| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                   |
|   ''      |
| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                              |
|   ''  |
| OUTPUTFORMAT                                       |
|   '' |
| LOCATION                                           |
|   'hdfs://worker01:8020/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_3.db/customer' |
| TBLPROPERTIES (                                    |
|   'bucketing_version'='2',                         |
|   'transactional'='true',                          |
|   'transactional_properties'='default',            |
|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1648620728')            |

dir size

[root@worker01 ~]# HADOOP_USER_NAME=hive hadoop fs -du -s -h hdfs://worker01:8020/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_3.db
776.9 M  2.3 G  hdfs://worker01:8020/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_3.db

scan test

dashboard scan no data

run sample query

HIVE="beeline -n hive -u 'jdbc:hive2://worker01:2181/${DB};serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2?' "
$HIVE -f sample-queries-tpcds/query55.sql
INFO  : Query ID = hive_20220330024221_7f7bfcba-ecec-4705-a34b-e5c2a09941f0
INFO  : Total jobs = 1
INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 1
INFO  : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in serial mode
INFO  : Subscribed to counters: [] for queryId: hive_20220330024221_7f7bfcba-ecec-4705-a34b-e5c2a09941f0
INFO  : Tez session hasn't been created yet. Opening session
INFO  : Dag name: select  i_brand_id brand_id, i_brand b...100 (Stage-1)
INFO  : Setting tez.task.scale.memory.reserve-fraction to 0.30000001192092896
INFO  : Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1648605587507_0050)

Map 4 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
Map 5 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
Map 1 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      4          4        0        0       0       0  
Reducer 2 ...... container     SUCCEEDED      2          2        0        0       0       0  
Reducer 3 ...... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0  
VERTICES: 05/05  [==========================>>] 100%  ELAPSED TIME: 8.81 s     
INFO  : Status: DAG finished successfully in 8.75 seconds
INFO  : 
INFO  : Query Execution Summary
INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO  : OPERATION                            DURATION
INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO  : Compile Query                           1.91s
INFO  : Prepare Plan                            0.28s
INFO  : Get Query Coordinator (AM)              2.92s
INFO  : Submit Plan                             0.21s
INFO  : Start DAG                               0.69s
INFO  : Run DAG                                 8.75s
INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO  : 
INFO  : Task Execution Summary
INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO  :      Map 1           4041.00          8,640            347         261,300              847
INFO  :      Map 4           2055.00          3,090            197          10,000               30
INFO  :      Map 5           2055.00          4,120            201          36,000              666
INFO  :  Reducer 2           2493.00            610             20             662              180
INFO  :  Reducer 3              0.00            520             10             180                0
INFO  : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO  : 

| brand_id  |                       brand                        | ext_price  |
| 5004001   | edu packscholar #1                                 | 337350.41  |
| 1001001   | amalgamalg #1                                      | 306888.37  |
| 4003001   | exportiedu pack #1                                 | 279769.61  |
| 2003001   | exportiimporto #1                                  | 274121.71  |
| 3004001   | edu packexporti #1                                 | 221208.38  |
| 1004001   | edu packamalg #1                                   | 200234.81  |
| 5003001   | exportischolar #1                                  | 190790.46  |
| 5001001   | amalgscholar #1                                    | 168600.18  |
| 3001001   | amalgexporti #1                                    | 159413.70  |
| 5002002   | importoscholar #2                                  | 148707.10  |
| 2002001   | importoimporto #1                                  | 147463.91  |
| 2001001   | amalgimporto #1                                    | 144902.28  |
| 4004001   | edu packedu pack #1                                | 135995.32  |
| 1004002   | edu packamalg #2                                   | 123532.17  |
| 3003001   | exportiexporti #1                                  | 110458.28  |
| 2004001   | edu packimporto #1                                 | 104203.76  |
| 4001001   | amalgedu pack #1                                   | 101562.49  |

AWS S3 Bucket Metrics

how to activate?

using the s3 console



grafana dashboard



yum -y groupinstall "development tools"
git clone


DIR=s3a://<bucket name>/tpcds-tests

# Do the actual data load.               
#hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${DIR}               
#hdfs dfs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null
hadoop fs -mkdir -p ${DIR}               
hadoop fs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null

#hdfs dfs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null
hadoop fs -ls ${DIR}/${SCALE} > /dev/null

HIVE="beeline -n hive -u 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/' "
./ 2

run test

HIVE="beeline -n hive -u 'jdbc:hive2://emr-header-1:10000/tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_3'"
$HIVE -f sample-queries-tpc/query55
INFO  : Query ID = hive_20220402013012_83082d46-ab32-41f6-884a-2833e6a05093
INFO  : Total jobs = 1
INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 1
INFO  : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in serial mode
INFO  : Tez session hasn't been created yet. Opening session
INFO  : Dag name: select  i_brand_id brand_id, i_brand b...100(Stage-1)
INFO  : Setting tez.task.scale.memory.reserve-fraction to 0.30000001192092896
INFO  : Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1648857118863_0028)

INFO  : Map 1: -/-      Map 2: -/-      Map 5: -/-      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 0/1      Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 0/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 0(+1)/1  Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 0(+1)/1  Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 0(+1)/1  Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 0(+1)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 0(+2)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 1(+1)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 2(+1)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0(+1)/2      Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0(+1)/2      Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 1(+0)/2      Reducer 4: 0(+1)/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 1(+1)/2      Reducer 4: 0(+1)/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 2/2  Reducer 4: 0(+1)/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 2/2  Reducer 4: 1/1
INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20220402013012_83082d46-ab32-41f6-884a-2833e6a05093); Time taken: 18.14 seconds
| brand_id  |                       brand                        | ext_price  |
| 5004001   | edu packscholar #1                                 | 337350.41  |
| 1001001   | amalgamalg #1                                      | 306888.37  |
| 4003001   | exportiedu pack #1                                 | 279769.61  |
| 2003001   | exportiimporto #1                                  | 274121.71  |
| 3004001   | edu packexporti #1                                 | 221208.38  |
| 1004001   | edu packamalg #1                                   | 200234.81  |
| 5003001   | exportischolar #1                                  | 190790.46  |
| 5001001   | amalgscholar #1                                    | 168600.18  |
| 3001001   | amalgexporti #1                                    | 159413.70  |
| 5002002   | importoscholar #2                                  | 148707.10  |
| 2002001   | importoimporto #1                                  | 147463.91  |
| 2001001   | amalgimporto #1                                    | 144902.28  |
| 4004001   | edu packedu pack #1                                | 135995.32  |
| 1004002   | edu packamalg #2                                   | 123532.17  |
| 3003001   | exportiexporti #1                                  | 110458.28  |
| 2004001   | edu packimporto #1                                 | 104203.76  |
| 4001001   | amalgedu pack #1                                   | 101562.49  |
| 5003002   | exportischolar #2                                  | 101009.84  |
| 10001014  | amalgunivamalg #14                                 | 93799.11   |
| 1001002   | amalgamalg #2                                      | 91408.09   |
| 7007005   | brandbrand #5                                      | 91309.27   |
| 1003002   | exportiamalg #2                                    | 86496.12   |
| 7016010   | corpnameless #10                                   | 78875.90   |
| 8004007   | edu packnameless #7                                | 77913.67   |
| 7003009   | exportibrand #9                                    | 71169.58   |
| 3002001   | importoexporti #1                                  | 70594.15   |
| 5002001   | importoscholar #1                                  | 68968.43   |
| 1003001   | exportiamalg #1                                    | 68759.31   |
| 2003002   | exportiimporto #2                                  | 66479.39   |
| 6003002   | exporticorp #2                                     | 64201.40   |
| 5001002   | amalgscholar #2                                    | 64185.23   |
| 4002001   | importoedu pack #1                                 | 63383.69   |
| 7015003   | scholarnameless #3                                 | 61502.14   |
| 8005005   | scholarnameless #5                                 | 59744.16   |
| 7002006   | importobrand #6                                    | 58838.31   |
| 7004007   | edu packbrand #7                                   | 58665.96   |
| 8014005   | edu packmaxi #5                                    | 57592.98   |
| 7013009   | exportinameless #9                                 | 54815.47   |
| 4004002   | edu packedu pack #2                                | 54804.14   |
| 7004006   | edu packbrand #6                                   | 54315.32   |
| 8001006   | amalgnameless #6                                   | 53890.12   |
| 10009011  | maxiunivamalg #11                                  | 52720.81   |
| 6007006   | brandcorp #6                                       | 51816.72   |
| 3002002   | importoexporti #2                                  | 51112.55   |
| 7007006   | brandbrand #6                                      | 50456.66   |
| 3001002   | amalgexporti #2                                    | 50407.70   |
| 6005005   | scholarcorp #5                                     | 49396.28   |
| 9010005   | univunivamalg #5                                   | 49286.34   |
| 10001002  | amalgunivamalg #2                                  | 45503.97   |
| 10011004  | amalgamalgamalg #4                                 | 45297.94   |
| 10013008  | exportiamalgamalg #8                               | 45257.85   |
| 7010008   | univnameless #8                                    | 43472.64   |
| 2001002   | amalgimporto #2                                    | 43435.17   |
| 10010004  | univamalgamalg #4                                  | 42338.64   |
| 6002005   | importocorp #5                                     | 42048.29   |
| 5004002   | edu packscholar #2                                 | 40445.10   |
| 7008003   | namelessbrand #3                                   | 40378.98   |
| 8011009   | amalgmaxi #9                                       | 40192.71   |
| 10007014  | brandunivamalg #14                                 | 39431.69   |
| 9006008   | corpmaxi #8                                        | 39375.89   |
| 7007010   | brandbrand #10                                     | 39078.99   |
| 7004005   | edu packbrand #5                                   | 38992.73   |
| 9008009   | namelessmaxi #9                                    | 38916.30   |
| 9002009   | importomaxi #9                                     | 38747.03   |
| 9012005   | importounivamalg #5                                | 38348.01   |
| 10008012  | namelessunivamalg #12                              | 38326.22   |
| 10005012  | scholarunivamalg #12                               | 37574.90   |
| 2004002   | edu packimporto #2                                 | 36220.23   |
| 2002002   | importoimporto #2                                  | 36209.05   |
| 7002008   | importobrand #8                                    | 36051.15   |
| 10008003  | namelessunivamalg #3                               | 35948.00   |
| 10003017  | exportiunivamalg #17                               | 35498.82   |
| 6003003   | exporticorp #3                                     | 35405.42   |
| 4002002   | importoedu pack #2                                 | 34862.77   |
| 10001007  | amalgunivamalg #7                                  | 34604.96   |
| 10015004  | scholaramalgamalg #4                               | 34545.14   |
| 8002007   | importonameless #7                                 | 34317.26   |
| 8012010   | importomaxi #10                                    | 34282.28   |
| 8013003   | exportimaxi #3                                     | 34220.49   |
| 9014002   | edu packunivamalg #2                               | 34218.12   |
| 8006003   | corpnameless #3                                    | 34136.00   |
| 7012003   | importonameless #3                                 | 33982.14   |
| 6014003   | edu packbrand #3                                   | 33864.88   |
| 10009013  | maxiunivamalg #13                                  | 33631.74   |
| 10014016  | edu packamalgamalg #16                             | 33170.33   |
| 9006009   | corpmaxi #9                                        | 33117.48   |
| 9010008   | univunivamalg #8                                   | 32912.16   |
| 9011005   | amalgunivamalg #5                                  | 31786.29   |
| 9002008   | importomaxi #8                                     | 31781.75   |
| 8015001   | scholarmaxi #1                                     | 30692.59   |
| 10003002  | exportiunivamalg #2                                | 30605.83   |
| 6014005   | edu packbrand #5                                   | 30496.25   |
| 6002006   | importocorp #6                                     | 30490.86   |
| 7012010   | importonameless #10                                | 30466.62   |
| 10001013  | amalgunivamalg #13                                 | 29974.03   |
| 7008001   | namelessbrand #1                                   | 29754.49   |
| 6013003   | exportibrand #3                                    | 29662.15   |
| 9014008   | edu packunivamalg #8                               | 29656.41   |
| 10013017  | exportiamalgamalg #17                              | 29502.08   |
| 4001002   | amalgedu pack #2                                   | 29396.03   |
100 rows selected (21.119 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://emr-header-1:10000/tpcds_bin_> 
0: jdbc:hive2://emr-header-1:10000/tpcds_bin_> -- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query55.tpl
0: jdbc:hive2://emr-header-1:10000/tpcds_bin_> 
0: jdbc:hive2://emr-header-1:10000/tpcds_bin_> Closing: 0: jdbc:hive2://emr-header-1:10000/tpcds_bin_partitioned_orc_3


INFO  : Query ID = hive_20220402013012_83082d46-ab32-41f6-884a-2833e6a05093
INFO  : Total jobs = 1
INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 1
INFO  : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in serial mode
INFO  : Tez session hasn't been created yet. Opening session
INFO  : Dag name: select  i_brand_id brand_id, i_brand b...100(Stage-1)
INFO  : Setting tez.task.scale.memory.reserve-fraction to 0.30000001192092896
INFO  : Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1648857118863_0028)

INFO  : Map 1: -/-      Map 2: -/-      Map 5: -/-      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 0/1      Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 0/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 0(+1)/1  Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 0(+1)/1  Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 0(+1)/1  Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: -/-      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 0(+1)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 0(+2)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 1(+1)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0/2  Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 2(+1)/3  Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0(+1)/2      Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 0(+1)/2      Reducer 4: 0/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 1(+0)/2      Reducer 4: 0(+1)/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 1(+1)/2      Reducer 4: 0(+1)/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 2/2  Reducer 4: 0(+1)/1
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1      Map 2: 3/3      Map 5: 1/1      Reducer 3: 2/2  Reducer 4: 1/1
INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20220402013012_83082d46-ab32-41f6-884a-2833e6a05093); Time taken: 18.14 seconds
| brand_id  |                       brand                        | ext_price  |
| 5004001   | edu packscholar #1                                 | 337350.41  |
| 1001001   | amalgamalg #1                                      | 306888.37  |
| 4003001   | exportiedu pack #1                                 | 279769.61  |
| 2003001   | exportiimporto #1                                  | 274121.71  |
| 3004001   | edu packexporti #1                                 | 221208.38  |
| 1004001   | edu packamalg #1                                   | 200234.81  |
| 5003001   | exportischolar #1                                  | 190790.46  |
| 5001001   | amalgscholar #1                                    | 168600.18  |
| 3001001   | amalgexporti #1                                    | 159413.70  |
| 5002002   | importoscholar #2                                  | 148707.10  |
| 2002001   | importoimporto #1                                  | 147463.91  |
| 2001001   | amalgimporto #1                                    | 144902.28  |
| 4004001   | edu packedu pack #1                                | 135995.32  |
| 1004002   | edu packamalg #2                                   | 123532.17  |
| 3003001   | exportiexporti #1                                  | 110458.28  |
| 2004001   | edu packimporto #1                                 | 104203.76  |
| 4001001   | amalgedu pack #1                                   | 101562.49  |
| 5003002   | exportischolar #2                                  | 101009.84  |
| 10001014  | amalgunivamalg #14                                 | 93799.11   |
| 1001002   | amalgamalg #2                                      | 91408.09   |
| 7007005   | brandbrand #5                                      | 91309.27   |
| 1003002   | exportiamalg #2                                    | 86496.12   |
| 7016010   | corpnameless #10                                   | 78875.90   |
| 8004007   | edu packnameless #7                                | 77913.67   |
| 7003009   | exportibrand #9                                    | 71169.58   |
| 3002001   | importoexporti #1                                  | 70594.15   |
| 5002001   | importoscholar #1                                  | 68968.43   |
| 1003001   | exportiamalg #1                                    | 68759.31   |
| 2003002   | exportiimporto #2                                  | 66479.39   |
| 6003002   | exporticorp #2                                     | 64201.40   |
| 5001002   | amalgscholar #2                                    | 64185.23   |
| 4002001   | importoedu pack #1                                 | 63383.69   |
| 7015003   | scholarnameless #3                                 | 61502.14   |
| 8005005   | scholarnameless #5                                 | 59744.16   |
| 7002006   | importobrand #6                                    | 58838.31   |
| 7004007   | edu packbrand #7                                   | 58665.96   |
| 8014005   | edu packmaxi #5                                    | 57592.98   |
| 7013009   | exportinameless #9                                 | 54815.47   |
| 4004002   | edu packedu pack #2                                | 54804.14   |
| 7004006   | edu packbrand #6                                   | 54315.32   |
| 8001006   | amalgnameless #6                                   | 53890.12   |
| 10009011  | maxiunivamalg #11                                  | 52720.81   |
| 6007006   | brandcorp #6                                       | 51816.72   |
| 3002002   | importoexporti #2                                  | 51112.55   |
| 7007006   | brandbrand #6                                      | 50456.66   |
| 3001002   | amalgexporti #2                                    | 50407.70   |
| 6005005   | scholarcorp #5                                     | 49396.28   |
| 9010005   | univunivamalg #5                                   | 49286.34   |
| 10001002  | amalgunivamalg #2                                  | 45503.97   |
| 10011004  | amalgamalgamalg #4                                 | 45297.94   |
| 10013008  | exportiamalgamalg #8                               | 45257.85   |
| 7010008   | univnameless #8                                    | 43472.64   |
| 2001002   | amalgimporto #2                                    | 43435.17   |
| 10010004  | univamalgamalg #4                                  | 42338.64   |
| 6002005   | importocorp #5                                     | 42048.29   |
| 5004002   | edu packscholar #2                                 | 40445.10   |
| 7008003   | namelessbrand #3                                   | 40378.98   |
| 8011009   | amalgmaxi #9                                       | 40192.71   |
| 10007014  | brandunivamalg #14                                 | 39431.69   |
| 9006008   | corpmaxi #8                                        | 39375.89   |
| 7007010   | brandbrand #10                                     | 39078.99   |
| 7004005   | edu packbrand #5                                   | 38992.73   |
| 9008009   | namelessmaxi #9                                    | 38916.30   |
| 9002009   | importomaxi #9                                     | 38747.03   |
| 9012005   | importounivamalg #5                                | 38348.01   |
| 10008012  | namelessunivamalg #12                              | 38326.22   |
| 10005012  | scholarunivamalg #12                               | 37574.90   |
| 2004002   | edu packimporto #2                                 | 36220.23   |
| 2002002   | importoimporto #2                                  | 36209.05   |
| 7002008   | importobrand #8                                    | 36051.15   |
| 10008003  | namelessunivamalg #3                               | 35948.00   |
| 10003017  | exportiunivamalg #17                               | 35498.82   |
| 6003003   | exporticorp #3                                     | 35405.42   |
| 4002002   | importoedu pack #2                                 | 34862.77   |
| 10001007  | amalgunivamalg #7                                  | 34604.96   |
| 10015004  | scholaramalgamalg #4                               | 34545.14   |
| 8002007   | importonameless #7                                 | 34317.26   |
| 8012010   | importomaxi #10                                    | 34282.28   |
| 8013003   | exportimaxi #3                                     | 34220.49   |
| 9014002   | edu packunivamalg #2                               | 34218.12   |
| 8006003   | corpnameless #3                                    | 34136.00   |
| 7012003   | importonameless #3                                 | 33982.14   |
| 6014003   | edu packbrand #3                                   | 33864.88   |
| 10009013  | maxiunivamalg #13                                  | 33631.74   |
| 10014016  | edu packamalgamalg #16                             | 33170.33   |
| 9006009   | corpmaxi #9                                        | 33117.48   |
| 9010008   | univunivamalg #8                                   | 32912.16   |
| 9011005   | amalgunivamalg #5                                  | 31786.29   |
| 9002008   | importomaxi #8                                     | 31781.75   |
| 8015001   | scholarmaxi #1                                     | 30692.59   |
| 10003002  | exportiunivamalg #2                                | 30605.83   |
| 6014005   | edu packbrand #5                                   | 30496.25   |
| 6002006   | importocorp #6                                     | 30490.86   |
| 7012010   | importonameless #10                                | 30466.62   |
| 10001013  | amalgunivamalg #13                                 | 29974.03   |
| 7008001   | namelessbrand #1                                   | 29754.49   |
| 6013003   | exportibrand #3                                    | 29662.15   |
| 9014008   | edu packunivamalg #8                               | 29656.41   |
| 10013017  | exportiamalgamalg #17                              | 29502.08   |
| 4001002   | amalgedu pack #2                                   | 29396.03   |
100 rows selected (21.119 seconds)
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